About Nomad Cook
Nomad Cook is a personal project to go deeper in storytelling narratives with critic of power and social dynamics. Photography, video production, writing, and cooking are the medium, everything with an artistic approach within Critical Race Theory framework.
In a globalized world and profit-oriented economies, Nomad Cook aims to create value in the relationships and the strength that many members can create together to improve our reality. Value exists on stability, friendship, mutual support, more human value of work.

Who's Behind this Project
I’m Luis Hernandez. After working for 18 years for corporations and startups in the tech industry, I felt something was wrong with my volunteering efforts but I couldn’t explain what. In 2018, I started a food-and-travel-videos project while roaming in South America. That’s where I got this project name. However, along the way, I realized I was only replicating the same dynamics I was trying to criticize.
After reading, learning from other voices and understood my privileged position in the power dynamics of the world (and still trying to understand). The project started to take a more social approach. Overall, I’ve been shifting to use my own experience and perceptions, rather than using other people’s stories.